Sunday, August 25, 2013

The new normal? Weaves; Butts, Boobs

The Ladies of Madison returns this fall with brand new episodes. We have a very interesting topic on plastic surgery and if women are being pressured based on the images we see to fit into a certain look. From extreme weaves to eyelashes to gluteoplasty women are getting it all. Sometimes we have to ask why and why now? What are the reasons that everyone in the club looks like a video vixen nowadays? Are we really that insecure or are we doing all this to invoke the attraction of men. A lot of men I have talked to on my show, feels like its too extreme and they prefer the woman that isn't heavily made up with weaves to their buttocks.  So back to my question; why? A lot of women are insecure and feel that these enhancements are necessary. I feel it's ok to enhance your features but you should maintain your identity. We see all of Hollywood and the many reality show stars and try to emulate what we see instead of being authentic.  Although men are physical soon they see past the aesthetics and attempt to focus on the women herself. Don't believe the hype about finding a rapper or ball player and living happily ever after.  It was interesting to hear the women on the panel and audience talk about the reasons they feel they need to look a certain way.  As women we need to offer more than a pretty face and huge assets. We need to have some substance and class if we want to attract a decent mate. If not you will be attracting men that only want to have sex with you, and that always has an expiration date.  New season starts the first Thursday in October @10:00 pm on local Bcat channels and streaming Visit our Facebook page or tweet us.