The new episode of Season Two of the Ladies of Madison Avenue was a hit! We really got in depth with our special guest discussing same sex cheating. We heard from a lesbian woman and her take on female relationships with heterosexual women. We discussed the fact that the women she has been with were women that had men or were curious or bisexual. The women talked about the fact that if you have one or two encounters it doesn't make you bi-sexual. We explored the fact that sex with anyone is based on attraction and in my opinion I think if you have an attraction to a woman and want to take it to the next phase of sleeping with her then you are bi-sexual.
People don't like labels and don't want to be put in specific titles when it comes to this. We talked about men being selfish and not taking care of their woman's needs on all levels not just sex. In some instances this pushes women to explore their sexuality with the same sex. But again I believe a woman's choice has nothing to do with her partner, its her choice based on what's in her heart and who she is attracted to.
Thanks to everyone that tuned in to us on Brooklyn Public Access and look for this episode next week on YouTube @theladiesofmadisontv/YouTube.
Please join the conversation I am eager to hear what men and ladies think.
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